What we do

We want everyone in Canada to have enough income to meet their needs, participate meaningfully in their communities, and live with dignity. We also want young people to have an active and valued role in the basic income movement. To achieve this, our work takes place across three pillars: education, community-building, and activism.


Sharing information about basic income and the youth case by developing resources, giving presentations, and building advocacy capacity

Creating and sharing materials and resources

Independently and with partners, we develop practical materials to help others learn more about basic income. Check out our Basic Income 101 webpage, or one-pager on basic income and youth, co-created with the Canadian Council of Young Feminists.

Public speaking and invited presentations

We regularly speak about poverty, income security, and basic income for webinars, conferences, classrooms, and events hosted by non-profit organizations, youth groups, political actors, and professors. Reach out if you’d like us to speak with your group or appear on a panel.

Equipping youth with advocacy skills

Through training and practice, we support young people to learn and apply key advocacy skills, including engaging with the media, speaking with politicians, and more. Check out some of the past skill-building workshops we’ve hosted on our YouTube channel.


Developing cross-sector partnerships, connecting youth with other advocates or projects, and raising awareness in the media and elsewhere

Connecting digitally with our network and beyond

We send a monthly newsletter to BICYN members and subscribers, keeping you up to date on what we've been up to and opportunities to get involved. We're also active on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, and would love to connect and engage on those platforms!

Meaningfully connecting youth with basic income projects

We regularly work with members looking to get more involved, supporting them to co-create or contribute to existing projects. Whether you're a climate activist looking to bridge environmental and economic justice or a social media whiz hoping to volunteer your time, there's a place for you in the movement - and we'll help you find it.

Engaging with media about basic income, the youth case, and more

From podcasts to radio to opinion editorials, we offer a youth perspective to digital and traditional media outlets across the country. Reach out via email to chat more!


Campaigning for a basic income in Canada by connecting with those with the power to effect political change

Engaging in political advocacy

We meet with political stakeholders and elected officials to directly advocate for a basic income. BICYN helped coordinate Coalition Canada’s October Advocacy Week, which garnered meetings with over 70 Members of Parliament and Senators, and are supporting forthcoming Ontario advocacy efforts with the Ontario Basic Income Network.

Encouraging youth to write their MPs

In 2024, we’re leading a letter-writing campaign in support of MP Leah Gazan’s Bill C-233. Read more and add your voice here.

Together with OCIC's Youth Policy-Makers Hub and the Canadian Council of Young Feminists, we mobilized 100 youth across Canada to write their MP in support of a basic income in August of 2020, and hosted a similar campaign during the 2021 federal election.

Calling for action from our political leadership

In response to Senators' call for CERB to become a permanent basic income, we co-wrote a letter in support with the Canadian Council of Young Feminists, receiving endorsements representing nearly one million youth. BICYN also regularly responds to opportunities for stakeholder consultation to voice the need for a basic income in Canada.